
wherearewegoing.net – Continuations are a powerful feature in Scheme programming that allow for dynamic control flow, enabling the programmer to manipulate the execution of a program in ways that are not possible in many other programming languages. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of continuations in Scheme, including their basic concepts, usage, and practical applications.

What are Continuations?

A continuation in Scheme is a representation of the rest of the computation from the current point in the program. It encapsulates the remaining computation that would be performed after the current function returns. This concept is fundamental in Scheme because it allows for non-local control flow, which is not typically available in other programming paradigms.

Practical Usage

Continuations are used in various scenarios where dynamic control flow is necessary. Here are a few examples:

  1. Exception Handling: Continuations can be used to implement exception handling mechanisms that are more flexible than traditional try-catch blocks. By capturing the continuation before a potentially error-prone operation, the program can jump to a recovery point if an error occurs.
  2. Coroutines: Continuations can be used to implement coroutines, which are a form of cooperative multitasking. By capturing and resuming continuations, coroutines can yield control to other coroutines and then later resume their execution.
  3. Delimited Continuations: A more restricted form of continuations, delimited continuations, allow for control flow to be managed within a specific scope. This is useful in situations where only a portion of the program’s state needs to be captured and resumed.


Continuations are a powerful tool in Scheme programming that allow for dynamic control flow and can be used to implement complex control structures and algorithms. While they can be challenging to understand and use, the flexibility they provide can lead to elegant and efficient solutions to programming problems. By mastering continuations, programmers can leverage the full potential of Scheme’s expressive power.